How to Spot a Walmart Phishing Email Scam? [Updated]

Urfa Sarmad

Urfa Sarmad

March 1, 2024
Updated on March 1, 2024
How to Spot a Walmart Phishing Email Scam? [Updated]

Ever gotten one of those sketchy emails claiming to be from Walmart? You know, the ones offering you a gift card or telling you that you won some big prize? Unfortunately, those are usually phishing scams trying to steal your personal information.

As much as we all wish we’d won a $1000 Walmart gift card, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The good news is, once you know what to look for, phishing emails are pretty easy to spot. Here are a few tips to help you identify a phishing Walmart scam and avoid becoming a victim.

Facts & Stats About Walmart Scams

  • As of 2024, fraudsters have used Walmart gift cards to scam users out of more than $1 billion.
  • Walmart was the most impersonated brand by scammers in 2023, with 16% of the phishing scams claiming to be from the company.
  • In 2022, Walmart intercepted $4 million in gift card scams primarily targeted at senior citizens.

The same year, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) also sued Walmart for allegedly turning a blind eye when the scammers took advantage of its failure to secure the money transfer services offered at Walmart. Fraudsters used their money transfer services to scam customers out of hundreds of millions.

Understanding Phishing Email Scams

If you receive an email claiming to be from Walmart that asks for personal information or account access, it’s likely a phishing scam. Phishing emails are fraudulent messages designed to trick you into providing sensitive data or downloading malware.

Be wary of messages claiming there’s an issue with your Walmart account or order that requires immediate action. Legitimate companies like Walmart will not ask for sensitive data via email.

Watch out for the following signs:

  1. Phishers want you to act fast before you have time to think. Legit Walmart messages won’t demand immediate action or threaten account closure.
  2. Walmart already has your details and won’t ask for your password, social security number, or bank account info via email.
  3. Don’t click links or download attachments from unsolicited messages. They could contain viruses or redirect you to fake Walmart login pages to steal your credentials.
  4. Phishing emails often contain errors and read awkwardly. Real Walmart messages will be professionally written.
  5. Legitimate Walmart emails will greet you by name and reference details specific to your account or order. Impersonal greetings are a sign of a scam.

If something seems off about an email claiming to be from Walmart, trust your instincts. Check your Walmart account directly to confirm any issues, and forward suspicious messages to to help combat scams. With vigilance, you can avoid becoming a victim of Walmart scam email.

What Walmart says about online frauds?

Retail giant Walmart topped the list of brands most imitated by cybercriminals in phishing attempts in Q1 2023, accounting for 16% of all attempts. To protect against phishing, employees should be trained to spot suspicious traits in emails like misspellings, typos, incorrect dates, and domains. Brand phishing attacks aim to mimic the branding of a well-known company to trick users into sharing sensitive information or payments.

Common Walmart Scams

Beware of Fake Walmart Websites

Walmart is one of the most targeted stores for scams and fraud. Be extremely wary of unsolicited messages claiming you’ve won a Walmart gift card or that there’s a problem with your Walmart account. These are almost always scams.

One of the most common scams is fake Walmart websites. Scammers create sites that look nearly identical to Walmart’s official site but have slightly different URL. They do this to trick you into entering your personal information or credit card number. Some signs a site isn’t the real Walmart:

  • The URL doesn’t start with
  • Poor spelling/grammar
  • Requests for sensitive data like social security number
  • Promises of free gift cards or cash in exchange for info

Don’t Fall for Walmart Imposter Customer Service Numbers

Walmart is a major target for scammers looking to steal your personal information and money. One common scam involves fake customer service numbers that claim to be Walmart. Here’s how to spot and avoid these imposters:

• Walmart’s official customer service number is 1-800-WAL-MART (1-800-925-6278). Any number that differs from this is likely a scam.

• Be wary of numbers with area codes that don’t match Walmart locations. Their main call centers are in Arkansas, Florida, and North Carolina. Numbers with area codes from other places could be fakes.

• Never provide sensitive data like your Social Security number, credit card number, or Walmart MoneyCard PIN over the phone. Legitimate Walmart reps will never ask for this information.

• Watch out for urgent or threatening language. Real Walmart reps will be courteous and patient. Scammers may say your account will be closed if you don’t act fast or that you owe money right away. Don’t fall for these tactics.

Watch Out for Fake Walmart Emails and Texts

Watch out for fake Walmart emails and texts asking for your personal information or account access. Scammers often pose as the retail giant to trick unsuspecting customers.

Phishing emails

Be wary of unsolicited emails claiming there’s a problem with your Walmart account or an unfilled order. Legitimate companies like Walmart will not ask for sensitive data like your password, credit card number or social security number via email. These phishing emails are trying to steal your personal information. Never click any links or download attachments in suspicious messages.

Smishing texts

Similar scams come through text messages, known as “smishing.” You may get a text saying there’s an issue with a Walmart pickup order or payment method. Don’t tap any links in these texts, as they likely contain malware or redirect you to a phishing site. Walmart will not contact you out of the blue by text for account issues.

Call spoofing

Scammers can also spoof Walmart’s customer service phone number to appear on your caller ID. They may claim there’s a problem with your account in order to get you to provide private details. Hang up immediately—Walmart will not call you unexpectedly asking for sensitive information over the phone.

Avoid Walmart Gift Card Scams

Walmart is a popular target for scammers looking to take advantage of unsuspecting customers. One common scam to watch out for involves Walmart gift cards. Criminals have gotten creative in the ways they try to steal money and personal information through these cards.

Buy Cards From Walmart Directly

Only buy Walmart gift cards directly from Walmart stores or Scammers sell used or counterfeit gift cards online or in other stores. The cards often have little or no balance left, even though you pay full price. Stick to buying directly from Walmart to ensure you’re getting an authentic, unused card with the full balance you pay for.

Inspect Cards Before Buying

Carefully inspect any gift card before you buy it to make sure nothing looks tampered with or damaged. Look for any signs the card or its packaging has been opened or resealed. Check that the card number and PIN on the back haven’t been scratched off. Counterfeit or used cards are often repackaged to look new. It’s best to buy cards behind the counter or in a locked case when possible.

Register Your Card

Register your Walmart gift card on or by calling the number on the back of the card as soon as you purchase it. Registration links the card number to your name and zip code, making it more difficult for thieves to use if it’s lost or stolen. You’ll also get alerts about the card balance to detect any unauthorized use early. Taking this simple step provides an extra layer of protection for your gift card.

Protect Yourself From Walmart Survey and Coupon Scams

When shopping at Walmart, be on alert for scams and fraud. Unscrupulous individuals often target major retailers to take advantage of unsuspecting customers. Here are some common Walmart scams to watch out for and how you can protect yourself.

Survey and Coupon Scams

Never provide personal information or click links in unsolicited messages claiming you’ve won a Walmart gift card or prize. These are phishing scams aiming to steal your data or install malware. Walmart does not contact customers out of the blue for surveys or to give away money or merchandise. Delete these messages immediately.

Be wary of coupons or deals that seem too good to be true. Only use official Walmart coupons from their website or app. Fraudsters create fake coupons to trick people into providing account numbers or making purchases.

Delivery Phone Scams

Like UPS and FedEx, Walmart has become a prime target for scammers who disguise themselves as delivery services. These scams are often done through text messages but can also be done through phone calls and emails. Scammers can pose as delivery drivers or ask to identify information or claim that the customer will have to pay outstanding fees, and they’ll require your payment information to complete the delivery. In actuality, Walmart does not charge additional fees or ask for personal information when purchasing.

Selling Fake Walmart Gift Cards On Facebook Marketplace

Many users will go on Facebook Marketplace or Craiglist to buy gift cards at discounted prices. However, even if the gift cards look entirely new, the scammers can steal the numbers on them before you buy them. This includes gift cards from other retailers like Amazon, Apple, and eBay. To avoid these scams, only purchase gift cards from approved third-party resellers. You should also check the physical cards for signs of any damage or tampering. You should also be aware when someone asks for payment through suspicious methods like Cash App, Venmo, or wire transfers.

Posting Fake Walmart Giveaways

Many retail companies organize social media giveaways. Unfortunately, criminals have also used this as a way to target people. Some scammers use Facebook ads to trick people into thinking that Walmart is giving away certain products for a specific price, and all you have to do is click on a link and take a particular action. Only trust giveaways from the official Walmart social page to avoid falling victim to the scam. You can contact Walmart directly if you have any doubts regarding the postings.

Examples of Walmart Phishing Emails to Watch Out For

Examples of Walmart Phishing Emails to Watch Out For

Walmart is a popular target for phishing scams and fraudulent emails. Be on the lookout for the following types of phishing emails claiming to be from Walmart:

Order confirmations for items you didn’t purchase

If you receive an email confirmation for an order you didn’t place, delete it immediately. Legitimate order confirmations from Walmart will include details like your name, address, and the items purchased. Phishing emails typically contain only generic greetings and lack these personal details.

Requests for personal information

Walmart will never ask for sensitive data like your Social Security number, credit card number, or bank account login in an email. Delete any messages claiming to be from Walmart that ask for this type of information.

Links and attachments from unknown senders

Be wary of links, downloads and attachments in unsolicited emails. Phishing emails often contain malicious links, software or files that can infect your computer or steal your data. Legitimate Walmart communications will be from an official email address. Delete anything from an unfamiliar sender.

Gift cards or prizes

Walmart winner email is one of the biggest scam. Walmart does not notify customers of gift cards or prizes through email. These messages are phishing scams aimed at stealing personal information or payments.

Threats or warnings

Legitimate companies like Walmart do not threaten or warn customers through email. Messages claiming your account will be suspended or canceled unless you provide information or payment are phishing scams.

What to Do if You Receive a Fake Walmart Email?

What to Do if You Receive a Fake Walmart Email

Here are the steps to take:

Delete the email immediately.

Do not click any links or download any attachments. Delete the email right away to avoid accidentally clicking anything malicious. Walmart order scam email will be embedded with fake links or attachments.

Never provide personal information or account access.

Legitimate companies like Walmart will not ask for sensitive data like social security numbers, credit card numbers, or account passwords through email. Fake Walmart order confirmation email will ask you for your credentials.Walmart order scams are increasing due to the weak security.

Be wary of urgency or incentives.

Fake Walmart email scams often try to create a sense of urgency or offer rewards to get you to act quickly without verifying the message’s authenticity. Stay cautious of fake Walmart confirmation emails.

Check the sender’s address.

The sender’s email address in phishing messages is often not an official Walmart email. Look closely at the address to make sure it’s something like or Scammers often use addresses that just contain the company’s name.

When in doubt, contact Walmart directly.

If something seems off about an email claiming to be from Walmart, contact their customer service directly rather than clicking anything in the message. Explain you received a suspicious email and want to verify its legitimacy.

Report Walmart phishing email.

Forward the phishing email to and Provide as many details as possible about the message so the appropriate companies and authorities can investigate. Reporting phishing emails helps prevent others from becoming victims.

Staying vigilant and verifying the authenticity of messages before acting can help you avoid falling prey to Walmart phishing email scams. If you do receive a fake message, take action by reporting and deleting it right away.

What Should I Do If I Fall For A Walmart Scam?

If you find yourself to be a victim of these Walmart scams, then there are some steps you can take to deal with this issue, which includes:

  • You must file an official report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This will allow you to dispute the fraud and prove you’ve been a victim. It also includes personalized guides to help you recover your identity.
  • You should also file a police report, especially if you believe your safety is at risk.
  • You should also ensure that all your online accounts and passwords are updated. The scammers can easily target your online accounts once they get the emails and passwords they stole during the Walmart scams. Use strong passwords with uppercase, lowercase, special characters, and numbers.
  • Also, enable 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) on all your online accounts. 2FA is an additional verification step that’s done before you can access your account. This is particularly useful if Walmart scammers try to gain unauthorized access to your online accounts.
  • You should also remove all of your saved payments from Walmart. If your credit card details are saved on your Walmart account, you should remove them before the scammers can access them and use them for fraud.
  • You can also contact Walmart to refund you for the gift cards you sent and also ensure to contact your bank’s fraud department and explain to them that you’ve been a victim of identity theft and that you’d want them to cancel and block all your accounts.

Why use AstrillVPN to avoid phishing?

Why use AstrillVPN for avoiding phishing

AstrillVPN helps avoid phishing for several reasons:

  • AstrillVPN masks your real IP address and location, making it much harder for scammers to target you with location-specific phishing emails. They won’t know your actual whereabouts or internet provider details to make their messages seem legit.
  • Using a VPN also encrypts your online activity and hides your internet traffic from prying eyes. Phishers won’t be able to see what websites you visit or capture your login info, passwords, credit card numbers or social security number as you type them in. Your sensitive data will be scrambled and unreadable.
  • With AstrillVPN, you can choose from worldwide VPN servers in more than 57 countries. Connecting to a server in another region adds an extra layer of protection against phishing attacks aimed at people in your local area. The scammers may not even realize you’re accessing the internet from somewhere else entirely!
  • AstrillVPN uses strong 256-bit AES encryption, one of the best standards currently available, to safeguard your connection. Your internet traffic, online messages and personal details will be well protected from the prying eyes of fraudsters and identity thieves lurking on public networks.
  • Using a trustworthy VPN service like Astrill is one of the best ways to avoid phishing scams and stay safe online. For a small monthly fee, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your sensitive data and personal information are encrypted and hidden from malicious individuals trying to steal it.


Have you received an email claiming to be from Walmart offering you money or a gift card? Chances are it’s a phishing scam. Here are some common questions and signs to look out for:

Can Walmart send money to my bank account?

No, Walmart will not directly deposit money into your bank account or send gift cards via email. These are popular phishing scams.

How can I verify if an email is fake?

 Check the sender’s email address and look for spelling errors or extra numbers in the name. Walmart’s official email is or Also, hover over any links before clicking to see the actual URL. It should be Walmart’s official website, not a lookalike.

How do I really receive money at Walmart?

Walmart offers services like money transfers, bill pay, and prepaid cards in-store, but not via unsolicited email. You have to initiate the transaction yourself on Walmart’s website or mobile app or in person at a store.

When in doubt, call customer service directly instead of following email instructions. Protecting yourself from phishing scams only takes a few extra minutes of caution.


These were the few tips to help you spot those sneaky Walmart phishing email scams. Your personal info and money are too valuable to hand over to some shady criminal halfway across the world. You’ve worked hard for what you have, so protect it. Spread the word to friends and family too, especially those who may be more vulnerable. The more people are aware of these kinds of scams the less power they have. You’ve got this – don’t let the scammers win! Keep your guard up and your accounts secure. Stay safe out there!

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About The Author

Urfa Sarmad

Urfa is a business management graduate who delved into the world of tech, data privacy and cybersecurity and has been writing tech and privacy related content ever since. In her free time.

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