应用商店上有各种虚假应用程序 - 有些伪装成速度测试应用程序、一些伪装成 Astrill Free VPN 应用程序、一些只是使用星标、蓝色标志和VPN名称。不要登录这些虚假应用程序,因为它们会窃取您的登录信息。不要通过这些冒名顶替的应用程序付款,因为您将失去您的金钱。仅使用以下的官方链接下载Astrill应用程序。如有疑问,请通过在线聊天或电子邮件联系我们的支持团队。
了解更多Astrill VPN应用程序有一个很大的ON/OFF按钮,所有设置都存在于那方便的小窗口。超级简单、好用。
iOS可以随机结束后台应用程序。通过重新连接VPN功能,Astrill VPN将始终立即重新连接,并防止泄漏真实IP。
Great product. Use is on my phone and Ubuntu Linux
super easy to use never had a problem.
Very good uptime and stability.
fantastic i have used 3 other vpn's that i will not mention , this is the clear winner fast ,ease of use and great customer support could not ask for more . Jason
So far Astrill is great! Connection speed is nice and reliable! As far as I can see, all of my internet activities are secure/encrypted.
I think at present you are excellent, thank you