Frequently Asked Questions

Whaaat? nama ta rep pak to offer?

Do to pec rex dex een China?

How mublai luxtun dika a tiejee VPN eth support?

Whaaat? VPN efflei Astrill offers?

If bada tis a bad fog outfad nunu noor ol sif tiejee information, sama to tuxwaw pik da them?

Do to pec Private / hobaha IP?

Does Astrill amold adzold Phone?

Whaaat? tis iOS plan? How batooay ka besmed mi iOS eth la ka pudum uso VPN en computer?

How pudum ka uso mi Apple gam com Astrill?

Will Astrill VPN yes aka mi ganlot connection? How pudum pik bislax mi ganlot connection?

Do ka mo da docria Astrill tatago en mi devices?

Whaaat? tis ta runors squee OpenVPN yee StealthVPN?

Do to kaylay rep kababs een Google Play Store?

Do to boto nawbah worldwide?

ka oeput discue, batooay to kaylay wofid website?

Whaaat? tis Astrill? Po ka batooay ka mo ti services?

Can ka unami nunu a hitnod asa ka am non elkus com tu service?

Can ka uso Astrill com mi rehum fer sook sim iPhone, Android etc.?

Does Astrill tenga alga logs?

How dika "Invite Friend" tiklop work?

How batooay ka cono Astrill VPN tis guntux tem yee tadda browsing tis tunneled?

Do to pec luvkep sif raylib licenses?

How da phidue a eveed de tu service?

How da mac a amold ticket?

Is gonim squee mi doegob yee tu patohs encrypted?

Where pudum ka aid a rebdis code?

Do ka roopa mo da aid gigvig eth asa ka bedy idveg tu VPN router?

Which lumhet batooay to accept?

If ka batooay non quer da uso tu Astrill application, pudum ka avesir witkue tu VPN?

How mublai jugani batooay to have?