Siziň kompýuteriňiz IPv6 syzdyrýar. Ýokarda görkezilen salgynýn üsti açyldy we bu islenilmeýän taraplara siziň onlaýn hereketleriňizi görmäge ygtyýar berip bilýär.
IPv6 Internet Protokolyň (IP) 128 bit salgy ulgamy we bu tordaky enjamlaryny takyklamak üçin ulanylýar. Şu wagt iň köp ulanýan IPv4 wersiýa garşy bu ep-esli salgylary ýa-da enjamlary ulanmak mümkinçilik berýär (4, 294, 967, 296 saglylar garanda (40, 282, 366, 920, 938, 463, 463, 374, 607, 431, 768, 211, 456 salgylar).
IPv4 bir gün taryh bolup galar çünki dünýä assa assadan öz esaslandyryjyň ähli hakyky uly ölçegli meselelerini aýyran has taže IPv6 standartyň tarapyna süýşýär. Emma IPv6-iň kabul etmesi örän ýüwaş eken - esasan fon aýratynlyklara bagly meselelere sebäpli. Sizin kompýuteriňiz, telefonyňyz, planşetiňiz hatda TV-iz eýýäm IPv6-i goldaýarlar, emma websaýtlaryň köpüsi edenok.
Bütün dünýäde IPv6-iň çäklendirilen elýeterligi sebäpli VPN üpçün edijileriň köpüsi IPv6 trafiki VPN tunelinden geçirmäge başarmaýarlar. Eger-de siziň IHG-iz IPv6-i goldaýan bolsa we siz IPv6 ukyply websaýta birikdirýän bolsaňyz, siziň brouzeriňiz, siziň IHG-nizi göni ulanyp, VPN birikmäniň daşyndan IPv6 salgysyna birikdiriler. Siziň hakyky IPv6 salgyňyz hut şeýle syzýar.
Astrill VPN, bizin VPN-mize birikdirilen wagt IPv6 ýol hereketi işlemeýän edip, IPv6 Syzma Goragy teklip edýär, şeýlelik bilen VPN-e birikdirilen wagt siziň adaty birikmäňiziň üstünden İnternet trafik syzmaýandygyny kepillendirýär. Bu funksiýa islege bagly we zerur bolanda işlemeýän edilip bolýar. Emma IPv6 siziň onlaýn anonimligiňizi syzýar we 3-nji taraplara siziň hereketiňizi yzarlamaga ygtyýar berýär. Biz size IPv6 syzma goragy ulanmagy erjellik bilen maslahat berýäris.
IPv6 is still not supported by many VPN providers, which is why they fail to encrypt it and pass it through a secure tunnel. If your ISP supports IPv6 and you connect to an IPv6 enabled website, your browser will connect to IPv6 address outside of the VPN connection, using your ISP directly.
The best way to stop IPv6 from leaking is to use a VPN that provides IPv6 leak protection. Other ways of stopping IPv6 from leaking is to simply disable it on your device or router.
You can simply open the command prompt from the start menu, type “type ipconfig” and click enter. When the command will execute results, you will be able to see your IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
No, you do not need IPv6 for VPN, as almost all VPNs provide IPv4 protection but few offer IPv6 leak protection. Since IPv6 is a bit complicated, it does not work very well with VPNs and it can affect your download and upload speed.
You can protect your IPv6 address by choosing a VPN that offers IPv6 leak protection. Also, you will have to upgrade your network and setup a reliable firewall over your network.
If you are connected to a public Wi-fi and you’re not using a VPN, then your IPv6 can be tracked easily. However, if you use a VPN with IPv6 leak protection like Astrill, it will pass your IPv6 through a secure tunnel and no one will be able to track your IPv6 address.