OpenWeb VPN

OpenWeb VPN

OpenWeb is a TCP based proprietary protocol developed by Astrill in 2009. OpenWeb is a connection-less protocol, so you can switch between servers within seconds, without waiting for VPN software to reconnect. It is very lightweight and performs well in countries with elevated censorship.

Download Astrill VPN now

Extremely fast Web-browsing

OpenWeb is a very lightweight protocol adding minimal overhead to packets. It encapsulates TCP requests into an additional layer, encrypts data with AES-256 encryption and to an outside observer, such as ISP or government, the traffic looks like an indecipherable regular HTTPS.


Ideal for countries with elevated censorship

Because OpenWeb looks like HTTP and HTTPS traffic, it is very hard to block by automated firewall systems and DPI (deep packet inspection). It is also very hard to detect your are using VPN altogether, since your on-line activity is similar to regular website browsing.


Instant connection

OpenWeb is a state-less protocol, this means it does not require a lengthy handshake process like OpenVPN or IPSec does. When you select server of your choosing and click on the ON button, your are connected instantly in a matter of mili-seconds. This makes it super convenient for fast server switching.

AstrillVPN Smart mode

Smart mode

When you are using a VPN, generally it assigns your computer a foreign IP address that is shared by hundreds of users. While this is great for anonymity, it allows governments and institutions to shut down those IP addresses and block access to certain websites and services from VPN IPs. Astrill VPN Smart Mode allows you to browse local websites with your regional IP and not raising any suspicion.

Smart mode empowers users with high end stealth and security that is extremely challenging for authorities to spot. It means you can use all the services and surf Internet with a peace of mind.

Browser filter

OpenWeb is the best protocol to use for website browsing. While it does also support tunneling of all traffic, in our desktop application a simple option Tunnel only browsers allows you to use VPN only for your browser activities and have all other apps (such as Chat, Outlook, games,...) routed regularly over your standard Internet connection. Easily select which browsers are tunneled over VPN and which not.

AstrillVPN Browser Filter

Easily get up and running

Being our proprietary protocol, StealthVPN requires Astrill software to run. To get connected with OpenWeb, follow these simple steps:
Download and install

Download and install Astrill VPN application for your platform

Log in

Enter your e-mail and password and click on log-in button

Pick server and connect

Choose from hundreds of servers and connect with one click

Don't believe us it's that easy? Check out for yourself and find out how to get connected with OpenWeb in this short video.

Supported platforms

Astrill VPN is compatible with
Windows 윈도우
MacOS macOS
Linux 리눅스
iPhone 아이폰
iPad 아이패드
android 안드로이드 폰
tablet 안드로이드 태블릿
Download Astrill VPN now Smart mode is available only in some locations. Please contact support to get full list.