Any communication between your device and Astrill’s Domain Name Server is heavily encrypted to keep all the data secure and defy malicious intentions in the event of interception.
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DNS or the domain name system is used to translate domain names such as into a numerical IP addresses, e.g. which are required to route packets of data on the Internet. Whenever your computer needs to contact a server on the Internet, such as when you enter a URL into your browser, your computer contacts a DNS server and requests the IP address. Most Internet service providers assign their customers a DNS server which they control and use for logging and recording your Internet activities.
When your operating system, even while connected to an anonymous network, continues to use its default DNS servers instead of the anonymous DNS servers assigned to your computer, it results in DNS leaks. These leaks compromise the effectiveness of the anonymous network and pose a significant threat to your privacy. Despite relying on the anonymous network for security, your private data is exposed, revealing a false sense of security. It is important to address DNS leaks to mitigate the risks associated with compromised privacy.
DNS leaks can seriously impact your privacy and security. Even though they don't capture your website data, they reveal which websites you visit, allowing others to track your online activities and compromise your privacy. DNS leaks also open the door to DNS poisoning attacks, where attackers manipulate DNS responses and direct you to fake websites for phishing attempts. Addressing DNS leaks to protect your privacy and enhance your overall cybersecurity is crucial.
AstrillVPN offers a convenient solution to address DNS leaks on Windows, a platform known for its vulnerability to such leaks. Using AstrillVPN, you can do a VPN leak test yourself, and with its impeccable service, you can effectively conceal your IP address and maintain online anonymity. It is recommended to disable Java and Flash by default and only enable them when necessary to enhance your online security.
With the implementation of innovative and latest technology and security protocols, AstrillVPN ensures that there isn’t a DNS leak on your device, maintaining high privacy standards. With AstrilVPN's leak test tool, check your connection whenever you want to stay content with your online privacy and security.
Any communication between your device and Astrill’s Domain Name Server is heavily encrypted to keep all the data secure and defy malicious intentions in the event of interception.
Astrill’s Domain Name Servers are much speedier than your ISP’s servers enabling high speed internet experience.
Astrill’s Domain Name Servers neither maintain activity logs nor do they record your browsing history to ensure you get the best DNS leak protection.
You can check whether there’s a DNS leak over your network by simply using the DNS leak test tool by Astrill. Within 10 seconds it’ll let you know if your network is secure or not. You can simply go to the DNS leak test page and click on “Run Standard Test”. The tool will start checking whether there is any DNS leak or not and once it is done with the test, it’ll show you the result.
To stay safe from DNS leaks, use a reliable VPN that has strong encryption and that provides DNS and IP leak guarantee. Also, keep clearing your DNS cache from time to time in order to prevent any DNS leaks in future.
When your DNS leaks, your online browsing activity becomes trackable by your ISP and the web servers that you try to connect are able to locate your actual location.
Yes, a VPN masks your DNS and IP address, providing you complete anonymity over the web. With a VPN, you can easily hide your DNS and access any geo-restricted website or platform.
A number of domain names are sent to your client to resolve within a certain test domain as part of the DNS leak test. Your client sends each request to the DNS server you've set up.