How To Hide Your Browsing History And Protect It From ISPs

Bisma Farrukh

In the current era, privacy is more important than ever, and digital privacy must be protected at all costs. Just like that, your browsing history is precious data. It can reveal much about you, your interests, and your political views. Before reaching any website, all of this must pass through your trusted internet service provider (ISP).
According to the latest news, ISPs can sell your browsing history to the highest bidder. But don’t panic – there are still ways to keep your browsing history hidden from your ISP. So if you’re looking for a way, there are several go-to solutions. In this article, we’ll show you how to use them to hide your browsing history.
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Can Your Internet Provider See Your History?
Yes, your internet service provider (ISP) can see your browsing history. When you access websites and online services through your ISP, your internet traffic passes through their network. As a result, your ISP can monitor the websites you visit, the online services you use, and the data you transmit over the internet.
However, it’s essential to understand the following key points:
When you visit websites that use HTTPS (secure browsing), the data transmitted between your device and the website is encrypted. This means your ISP can see that you are accessing a particular website, but they cannot read the specific content of the data being exchanged. So, while they can see the domains you visit, they can’t see the detailed page content or data sent over secure connections.
Privacy Laws
In many countries, privacy laws and regulations limit what ISPs can do with your data. These laws may require ISPs to protect your privacy, not share your browsing history without your consent, or allow you to opt out of certain data collection practices.
Incognito/Private Browsing Mode
Using your web browser’s incognito or private browsing mode can help prevent your local device from storing your browsing history, but your ISP can still see the domains you visit.
Data Retention Policies
ISPs may have data retention policies determining how long they store certain information about your online activities. The duration of data retention varies from one ISP to another and can depend on local regulations.
How to Hide Browsing History From ISPs?
Now, we all know that ISPs are collecting our browsing data. It’s no secret.
But many of us don’t know that we can take steps to hide our browsing history from them. It’s not as hard as you might think, and it’s a good way to protect your privacy.
Here are a few tips for hiding your browsing history from ISP:
1. Use a VPN service
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a private network that encrypts all of your traffic and routes it through a server in a location of your choice. Not even your ISP can see what you’re browsing online. VPN is the first go-to choice with the quickest solution.
One of the best VPNs is Astrill VPN. It is best in terms of encrypting your traffic and protecting your privacy. Its features include Smart mode, application filter, VPN sharing, kill switch and App Guard, best Astrill protocols, and many others providing an unforgettable VPN experience. You can also perform a DNS leak test to check whether your data is exposed while using a VPN. With the fastest speed and affordable subscription plans available as low as $12.5, Astrill offers ultra-fast VPN servers in 55+ countries.
2. Use a proxy server
You can also use a proxy server to keep your browsing history hidden from your ISP. Proxy servers act as a middleman between you and the websites you visit. The server will change your IP address and mask your activities. As a bonus, proxy servers can also speed up your browsing experience.
There are a lot of different proxy servers out there, so it’s important to do your research before you choose one. Make sure to find one that is trustworthy and reliable.
Also Read: What can someone do with your IP Address?
3. Use incognito mode or private browsing mode
To hide your browsing history from your ISP, you can use Incognito Mode or Private Browsing. With Incognito Mode, your history won’t be stored on your computer, and Private Browsing won’t be stored on the ISP’s server.
Incognito Mode doesn’t do you much good if you use someone else’s computer. But if you’re using your computer, it’s a good way to keep your browsing history private.
4. Install a Tor browser
The Tor browser routes your traffic through a series of servers, making it difficult for anyone to track your activity. Tor is a free software that enables you to browse the internet anonymously. It works by routing your traffic through a series of servers before it reaches its destination, so your ISP can’t see which websites you’re visiting.
To use Tor, you’ll need to download the Tor browser. It’s available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and it’s very easy to set up. Once you have it installed, open the browser and enter the address bar. Then type and hit enter. You’ll be taken to the Tor website, where you can learn more about how to use Tor and download the browser.
5. Use a search engine that doesn’t track your history
Some search engines don’t track your history. Install them on your computer to avoid getting tracked. Some good options are DuckDuckGo and StartPage. DuckDuckGo does not collect any of your personal information. Its privacy policy clearly states that it doesn’t track your search history.
Similarly, StartPage clearly states that it does “zero saving, selling or sharing your search data” by delivering un-profiled search results. But still! Both of these don’t hide your search history from ISPs.
6. Use Encrypted DNS (Prevent DNS Tracking)
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can track your online activity by monitoring your DNS requests, even if you visit encrypted websites. By default, ISPs handle these requests, allowing them to see every domain you visit and even sell this data to third parties.
Using encrypted DNS prevents this tracking by securing your DNS queries with encryption protocols like DNS over HTTPS (DoH) or DNS over TLS (DoT). These protocols ensure your requests remain private and unreadable to ISPs or intermediaries.
A VPN with private DNS, like AstrillVPN, is the most effective way to prevent DNS tracking. Unlike public DNS services, AstrillVPN encrypts your DNS requests alongside your internet traffic, ensuring no third party can monitor or log your online activity.
7. Disable WebRTC to Prevent IP Leaks
WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a browser feature that enables peer-to-peer communication for voice calls, video chats, and file sharing. While useful, WebRTC can expose your real IP address, even when using a VPN. This is known as a WebRTC leak, allowing websites and third parties to bypass your VPN and detect your IP.
To prevent this:
- Disable WebRTC in your browser by modifying settings or using privacy-focused browsers like Brave.
- Use a VPN like AstrillVPN, which protects against WebRTC leaks by fully encrypting your connection and preventing your IP from being exposed.
- Install WebRTC-blocking extensions in Chrome or Firefox for an extra layer of protection.
8. Use HTTPS Everywhere for Secure Connections
Even if your browsing history is hidden from ISPs, unsecured websites (HTTP) can expose your data to hackers and surveillance. HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) encrypts website traffic, protecting your information from interception.
To ensure you always use HTTPS:
- Install the HTTPS Everywhere extension, which forces sites to use HTTPS when available.
- Avoid entering sensitive data on HTTP websites, as they lack encryption.
Also Read: 7 Best Browsers for Privacy
Why Hide Your Browsing History From ISPs?
Hiding your browsing history from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) is crucial for maintaining online privacy and security. Here are some key reasons why you should protect your browsing activity:
1. Prevent ISP Tracking and Data Collection
ISPs can access every website you visit and track your online activities. This data is often collected and used for advertising purposes, sold to third-party companies, or even shared with government authorities under certain regulations. By hiding your browsing history, you prevent ISPs from exploiting your data for profit.
2. Protect Against Privacy Violations
Your browsing history is personal and can reveal sensitive information, such as your interests, medical conditions, and financial habits. If it’s not properly protected, ISPs can potentially leak this data to malicious third parties. Using a VPN and other privacy measures ensures your browsing remains confidential and secure.
3. Avoid Throttling and Bandwidth Restrictions
Some ISPs engage in traffic shaping or throttling based on your online activities. For example, they might slow your internet speed when you stream videos or use peer-to-peer services. By hiding your browsing history, you can avoid these unwanted speed limitations and enjoy an uninterrupted internet experience.
4. Circumvent Censorship and Geo-Blocking
In certain regions, ISPs may be required to block access to specific websites or online services, often in line with government censorship policies. Hiding your browsing history and using a VPN can help you bypass these restrictions and access the content you need without limitations.
5. Enhance Your Online Security
By hiding your browsing history, you protect yourself from hackers and cybercriminals. When your browsing activity is hidden and encrypted, malicious actors are less likely to intercept your data, helping you stay safe from phishing attacks and data breaches.
6. Maintain Control Over Your Digital Footprint
Your online activity is a key part of your digital identity. Protecting your browsing history ensures that only you can control the information that defines your online presence. You minimize the risk of unwanted exposure or misuse by taking proactive measures to secure your data.
Which Method Is the Best for Hiding Your Browsing History?
The most effective method is a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN encrypts your traffic and routes it through a remote server, so your activities are hidden from your internet service provider (ISP) and anyone else who might be spying on your traffic.
If you don’t want to invest in a VPN, you can always use private browsing mode to keep your browser from remembering your sessions. And if you want to make sure no one is tracking your activities, you can manually delete your search and browsing history from your browser.
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GET AstrillVPNCan a Wi-Fi owner see browsing history on incognito?
When you browse the web in incognito mode on your device, your activity is not recorded by the browser. However, this does not mean that your internet service provider or the websites you visit cannot see your activity. Incognito mode only hides your activity from your local device – it does not provide true anonymity.
Your Wi-Fi network owner, which is likely your internet service provider, can still see the websites you visit while on their network. They see this information through your IP address, which does not change when you browse in incognito mode. Your IP address acts like a unique identifier for your device, allowing your internet traffic to be routed to you. So when your device makes a request to load a website, your IP address is sent with that request, revealing the website you are visiting.
Your internet service provider typically does not actively monitor your browsing history, but they do technically have the ability to see every website you visit while connected to their network. This also applies to any public Wi-Fi networks you connect to, as the network owner can see all traffic that goes through their router.
While incognito mode hides your browsing activity from your device itself, it does not provide any protection from your internet service provider or the Wi-Fi network you are connected to. They can still see the websites you visit, even while browsing in incognito mode. The only way to truly hide your browsing activity is to use a virtual private network (VPN) service, which encrypts your internet traffic and hides your real IP address.
Can anyone see my history after I delete it?
While deleting your history may remove traces from your device, there are still ways others could potentially access it. Here are some things to keep in mind:
Browser history
Deleting your browser history only clears it from your device. Your internet service provider maintains logs of all the sites you visit that they could potentially access. Also, websites themselves store data on your activity, like pages you’ve viewed and items you’ve purchased.
Device backups
If backups of your device are stored in the cloud or on another computer, deleting history will not remove copies from those backups. The next time a backup is restored to your device, that history could reappear.
Third-party apps
Many apps track and store your activity data. Deleting browser history does not clear this app data, so that history could still be accessed.
Network monitoring
If others have access to your home WiFi network or internet connection, they could potentially use monitoring software to see all the sites you visit, even after you delete your history.
Physical access
If others have physical access to your device, there are forensics tools that law enforcement and others use to retrieve deleted data, including web history. Regular data removal methods may not fully erase this information.
While deleting your history locally can remove some traces, there are still potential ways others could access parts of your web activity. The more thorough you are in clearing data from all sources, the harder it will be for others to find.
FAQs on Hiding Your Browsing History From ISPs
Q: I’m not doing anything illegal. Why should I hide my browsing history from my ISP?
Even if you’re not doing anything illegal, your ISP can still see everything you’re browsing. They could sell that information to third-party companies. So it’s best to take precautions and hide your browsing history.
Q: Is it safe to use a VPN or proxy server?
Yes, both VPNs and proxy servers are safe to use. However, it is important to choose a reputable provider, such as AstrillVPN as not all VPNs or proxy servers are created equal.
Q: What are the risks of hiding my browsing history from my ISP?
There are some risks associated with hiding your browsing history from your ISP. For example, if you’re using a VPN, your data might not be as secure as it would be if it were encrypted. It’s important to weigh the risks and benefits of each option before deciding which one is right for you.
Q: How to Delete Search History?
There are a few ways to go about this. One is to use a private browsing mode, which will keep your history hidden from everyone—including your internet service provider.
Another option is to use a different browser for sensitive searches or clear your cache and cookies after every session.
Whichever method you choose, be sure to keep your search history hidden from prying eyes. It’s no one’s business but your own.
Q: What is an ISP?
An ISP, or internet service provider, is the company that provides you with your internet connection. They’re the ones who deliver all that data to your home or office.
ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are in the business of selling data. The more they know about you, the more they can sell ads targeting you. And the more ads you see, the more likely you will buy something.
Q: What Is Search History?
When you search the web, your search history is recorded. Your internet provider can see this history, and so can the websites you visit by tracking you through cookies.
This is why it’s important to hide your search history. You don’t want anyone tracking what you’re doing online.
Follow these steps to prevent anyone from tracking you online.
1. Open your browser’s settings menu.
2. Scroll down to the “History” section.
3. Select “Clear Browsing Data.”
4. Check the boxes next to “Browsing History” and “Search History.”
5. Click “Clear Data.”
Now that you know how to hide your browsing history from your ISP, there’s no need to worry about anyone tracking what you’re looking at online. It’s easy to do and can help keep your private information safe and secure. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to reach out to your ISP for more information.
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